
Showing posts from February, 2025

Representation Matters

  Dear Abba,      My hand in your hand enables me to continue this journey of faith! Ruach has led me through rough terrain over the course of three-plus months. I am forever grateful You are with me, You got me, and You are backing me. Trusting You is an adventure. I experience calm delight the more I shed my fears and concerns to allow myself to free fall into your loving arms. You are trustworthy! Thank you, Abba Yah.        All of us can attest to nail-biting difficulties. May we all experience intimacy with great measure with Abba and a boost in our resolve to trust in His love and goodness!      If we are honest, we know we can trust the Father with every care. The trust endeavor trips us when we do not know when and how He will show up for us. The details challenge us. It is a fight to resist wanting to know what Abba does not share with us. I decided this most recent round of circumstances that I would not bow to them and al...