
 Dear ABBA,

     As Your Church, we cannot passively accept cultural and societal norms no matter what group or authority will initiate an ideology.  It was almost a year ago when You said,  "A Shaking and Shaping."  We thought COVID shook us enough, however, You are off to the next as of last year. 


     Who is excited for the remainder of 5785/2025? A shaking of systems and age-old traditions is on the horizon. These changes will shape society at large to see, think, and behave in alignment with the disruption of norms. As with any disruption, those refusing to align are left behind! We cannot make anyone change, even when it means improvement for themselves. However, consequences may become a motivation for them to acquiesce. 

     Yahshuah gave us an example of what consequences look like in the lives of the unwilling. (See John 2:13-17) Yahshuah approached the temple and was immediately angered. He took out his whip to swing as he flipped over tables. This chaotic display was His way to disrupt greed, exploitation, and corruption. Yahshuah had to dismantle and tear some things down to set order in the temple. Perpetrators and victims could see and feel the impact of righteousness and justice. I imagine conviction and motivation became one. Some disruption of habits and mindsets ushers in Kavanah. It means direction, intention, or purpose. It also means to concentrate while practicing sound doctrine and the tenets of our faith without falling into rote memorization. We have grace to exemplify authentic faith. Let the disruption begin within us and through us.


     May the Ruach Ha'kodesh assist believers with humbling ourselves to align with the will of Abba, prayer and meditation on the scriptures, along with faith and good works. May the disruption bring lasting results through the generations until the return of Messiah. 


Apostle Regina Claxton





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