The Sweet Life is unfolding


The New day begins

Many believers tend to muddle over the term process. Several synonyms come to mind, procedures, methods, course, development, and progression. It is intense. Daily I wonder about the next move in my life. The process is unfolding. When a believer cannot understand how experiences link together, he/she is in a process. Abba has a plan for each of us. The details belong to Him. For some, doors will close, and for others, they will open. There is a new chapter or a new book regarding our lives.

Through it all, the Father is trustworthy. We must keep going. We remain in preparation to receive the manifestation. Yes? As we fight back impatience, I hope we can take time each day to listen for instructions. The promises the Father would make seem closer than ever.

The Way forward

Numbers 13:25-33 Moses and the people of God would face the choice to move forward or remain stuck. Their process would bring them to a time and season of elevation if they trusted in Yahuah Lord. Would the people believe their time of development and preparation would qualify them? Do they have faith in God for the new day? Will the richness and sweetness of the land give them confidence? What would give them pause? They were quite capable of facing opposition. They could indeed fight, but they let fear and rebellion talk them out of what would belong to them. Their ungodly thoughts and unbelief would interrupt the plan of God. They would miss their moment.

Sometimes we hesitate to pursue what rightfully belongs to us because of past disappointment. Here’s the thing, sometimes we may experience trauma while on our faith journey. Trauma creates a wound. It morphs into fear, skepticism, self-sabotage, and bitterness, all of which fuel disobedience, and rebellion. A traumatized mind cannot think or imagine better days. When feelings of doubt and angst fill our minds because of past experiences, we must take time to pray. We must ask for healing for our souls. We must take on a mental renewal. We must learn to live in the now. We must allow our faith to come alive in our now moment. The hero you are looking for is in you. There is a cause, and you are it! Do not miss another season. Raise your expectations for yourself and Abba. 

I think one of the saddest times for Abba is wanting for us the thing we are too afraid or unstable to accept. The dilemma God has is when we jump to conclusions and do not seek Him to collect ourselves. When we allow deceptive thoughts to entertain us, we will not rest in Yah’s power; neither will believe we can endure. The time we spend in our wilderness should include the pursuit of personal development and abide in Yeshua (John 15). The worse decision we can make is to misuse the time and season of preparation. Keep Yah your first love!

Abba’s thoughts toward us are good. Processing and waiting do not feel right. But let’s not allow the works of our flesh to derail us. We cannot go forward in an incomplete state. We must yield to refining, maturity, and polishing (2 Peter 1:5-9). I encourage you as I admonish myself guard your mind, stabilize your emotions, manage your thoughts (focus/refocus), maintain a pure heart, be selective when you speak, and choose life. 

Here are some declarations for your consideration.

I declare an open heart to obey the will of Abba
I declare divine reversal
I declare restoration
I declare I am faithful
I declare a refocusing of my mind
I declare my life is fruitful


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