Seize the moment!


            My intention is to speak the truth in love with myself.

Self-talk is me confessing the word of Yahuah. It is also making declarations. I love to recite prophecies and promises. All of these ignite my faith. They encourage me. I then pray for the grace to receive, be, and do internally about my self-talk/self-love. If I do not take care of myself, I do not have an overflow to minister to others adequately. Living my best life includes pouring into others.
I realize there are ways I can stop the overflow of abundant living: Defeating words, unbelief, allowing contrary thoughts to linger in my mind, feeding on unfruitful resources, rehearsing my difficulties. These behaviors lead to my frustration. The Holy Bible at Galatians 6:9 reads, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. The things I describe above grow, develop, and sprout, and then I become weary or tired. The outcome is sabotage. Self-sabotage is a real thing! 

Most of us do not realize the trauma and doubt buried within our souls. There is an origin to everything. There is either a method or an explanation regarding our thought processes and behavior. The decisions we make or fail to make come from somewhere: either environment, childhood exposure, or generational learned behavior.

I believe we defeat ourselves with our thoughts, feelings and emotions, and complacency. What are you doing to dig your way out of defeat? The brevity of life does not allow us to feign ignorance and live in denial. We must confront what is holding us back. I do not want to die having left anything Abba says is my inheritance on the table. Looking back at Numbers 13:25-33, I do not want to miss my moment as they would. You? I want to be like Joshua and declare the God of Moses is with me and I can have what He says.

Abba wants us to know His thoughts and His ways; we must arise in the ways we see, hear, think, and behave. Let's not hang out at Isaiah 55:8, but let's get the revelation of Isaiah 55:7. Yah is speaking of the wicked. We are the righteousness of Yah through Yeshua. We can go as high and deep in God as we want. We can possess His blessings. Abba, Father help us to get out of our way.

Here are my suggestions for declarations

I declare there will be no more sabotage in my life
I declare my thoughts do not defeat me
I declare I am victorious
I declare my keys of power, and authority change my status
I declare I am in the position to win
I declare my life shifts for this year and the decade.


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