Queens Rising


Many of us did not grow up with our fathers. Unfortunately, we would suffer from internal deficiencies and blow through life as tumbleweed breathlessly navigating the rough and dry terrain of rejection and abandonment. Abba you are trustworthy as you cannot lie, it would be a father wound feeding skepticism and insecurity, preventing me from free-falling into your capable arms. Thank you, Yah, for being who you are to us: “Father, Source, Sustainer, Preserver, and Fatherhood.” (Selman). It would your faithful ways and long-suffering manner enabling me to muster courage to trust you.

How about you Friend? Is a father wound your challenge? Do you struggle with trusting Abba? If this is you, let me assure you. You will learn as I did it is okay to lay down your hesitancy. There is healing for your wounds. Emotionally you can become strong and stable. Finally, you can rest in the truth that your life is in Abba’s capable hands. He never fails. We fail at times to believe and trust Yah because life can come at us fast and hard but He adds His strength to our weakness. Suddenly, with the use of a few tools (prayer, praise, worship, fasting, wisdom) we are back on course. We are Queens rising for this time and season.

In honor of Women’s History Month, I would like to share snippets from the biblical account of Hadassah (Esther). The death of her parents would make her an orphan. Thankfully, she would have a father figure in the relative of her cousin, Mordecai. In today’s perspective, Hadassah would be a victim of trafficking. She would be among the women of all ages taken from their homes as candidates for the wife and Queen of King Ahasuerus.

It would not take the King long to discover Hadassah’s beauty. Some Torah scholars describe her as shapely. She was more than her appearance. As Queen, she was smart and genuine. Her strength and wisdom would be put to the test when Mordecai would antagonize Haman (an Official to the King) by refusing to bow to him, and her life and the lives of her people would be in jeopardy. Through prayer, fasting, humility, and wisdom, Queen Esther would become a hero we would celebrate year after year. The feast of Purim would be an ode to her. The Queen’s decision to take action during the time of great crisis would serve as a model for current women leaders. May we all take opportunities Yah would send to us.

Here are suggestions for declarations

I declare no opportunity is too big for me
I declare I am enough
I declare I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I declare I am the daughter of the King of Kings
I declare my mind, heart, emotions, and body are healed and whole
I declare fear and anxiety do not paralyze me


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