Be Healed. Be Well.


 "The Pain will not fit my body."

Through several instances of illness and abnormalities Yah would prove Himself faithful. My story is not new. Multitudes in the Holy Bible would experience healing miracles & breakthrough. Many individuals in our churches and families would be healed! Stay tuned for more...greater works are happening!

During Yahshua's travels among Image-bearers, His soul would fill with compassion. His response to those pulling on Him would be, "I am willing." Their weary bodies would readily await demonstration from the Messiah's touch.

Healing has come.

The time for healing is always Now. Be it instantaneous, over time, or in heaven; healing is presently available.

I often recite the scripture that reads, ..."By His stripes, we were healed." That promise assures us of healing. The Psalmist would write, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all." That is one of my all-time makes me shout out, "Release it."  Healing is an expression of Yah's love through heavens' outpour.

..."As it is in heaven, it is on earth."

Healing begins with acknowledging  affliction or sickness and rejecting it at the same time. In other words, I am aware of this issue but I believe there is greater for me. A visually impaired individual would say, "In my dreams I can see."

The leper said to Yahshua, "If you are willing." Without delay Yahshua replied, "I am willing." Are we willing to believe? Are we willing to receive? Are we willing to obey instructions?

The manifestation of Yah's promise to heal may be a special plan for each person. I am grateful there is a plan! Let's lean into it. "May your well being abound!"

I Decree...
The Healing virtue of Yahshua fills my heart, soul, and body.
Healing is my bread.

Matthew 8:1-4
Isaiah 53:4-5
Psalm 34:19 (Oppression), Mark 5:29
Matthew 6:10
Daniel 6:26 (Sefaria)

**Yahshua is Jesus**
**Yah is Yahuah (God)**
** Ruach Ha'kodesh is Holy Spirit**


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