I cannot help feeling like so much has happened in a short amount of time this year of 5784. I am not overwhelmed, however, I am aware of times and seasons meeting like a crash of ocean waves against our shores. 

There was a dream I remember from years ago with crashing ocean waves. I was standing between the shore and the ocean. Suddenly, waves overcame me and I was covered by the water. Immediately I was awakened from the dream. The dream scared me. I did not know if I drowned or made it out alive. Ruach Ha'kodesh explained, "Whether or not you make it is up to you." Obviously, I am still here! APTTMHYAH!!! (all praises to the most high Yahshuah) 

Adonai has ensured my victory at each turn of events on my journey. I am sure the same can be said of you!

Recently, I heard the word JUMP. When I shared the word with my Sister in the Lord, she responded with Psalm 18:29.

For by thee, I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped (jumped) over a wall. David ran from Saul and defeated his enemies.

Jump means to move suddenly and quickly in a specified way. It means to push oneself off a surface and into the air by using muscles in one's legs and feet. It means to leap and move from the ground (low place).

I don't know what situation has you crouching down low. I don't know what you are looking up at or what towers over you. I do know you have the power to JUMP! In John 21:7 Peter threw himself into the sea to be with Yahshuah. He jumped from the boat, he leaped from the boat, he stepped off of the boat. He made a sudden move and tried something others were either too scared or not interested in doing! Get ready (prayed up, consecrated, confident, focused) to JUMP! This next move is on us, Church of Yahshuah Hamashiach!

We survived. We are alive. We are ready to thrive. Jump to it. Jump through it. Jump over it. Nothing can stop us or hold us down. All blockages and barriers to our next are removed. We have the right of way. 

"You shall LEAP into your now! The delay is over." -Dr. Sharon Nesbitt

Shalom, Shalom

Apostle Regina Claxton


#EzerRising #QueenRising


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