The Blood changed my story


    I'm reflecting on my seven-year experiences. In the past, I would go from the "wilderness" to the "promised land" with little to no analysis of my experiences. The proper way is to ask what is the lesson in the "wilderness." Thank you, Dr. Apostle Elaine Johnson for teaching me this over a decade ago, and Happy Int'l Women's History Month.

    Abba Yah will take us into transition and we do not know why or for how long. Which brings on frustration and confusion. Unlike in the past, I asked. Whew! What a process and journey it was for me. Only believe was a term I learned and used often as my belief system became firm. 

    The Lord showed me the way to receive and activate greater depths of deliverance for my life. Some people who knew me through the years should realize I am not who I was because of growth.  The "wilderness" is the only way  to one's "promised land." I will save the many details of my changed life for my autobiography. However, it bears mentioning codependency, people pleasing, shame as the origin of perfectionism, trauma responses of control, and independence do not live here anymore. It's all under the blood of Yahshuah!

    You should know, that being born again is the first step in a lifelong journey of transformation, growth, maturity, and sanctification. Yahshuah shed His blood to remit our sins, and we shed internal and external ways and things that either sabotage our faith walk or are obsolete. The blood continues to work!

    If you knew my character and personality before, be ready for the new me should you remain in my life. What was said or could have been said is no longer fact. I am not better than anyone, I am a better me. Every "wilderness" was a time of me vs me. I can see myself in the pure light of Abba's love and my Saviors' sacrifice.  The "promised land" is me walking out who I have become. 

    The blood bought me from brokenness, dark areas, ignorance, denial, and lies. (Psalm 107:2) **Redeemed means to buy back, compensate for the faults**

The blood changed my story!  

Ahavah,אהב (love)

Apostle Regina Claxton


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