
Representation Matters

  Dear Abba,      My hand in your hand enables me to continue this journey of faith! Ruach has led me through rough terrain over the course of three-plus months. I am forever grateful You are with me, You got me, and You are backing me. Trusting You is an adventure. I experience calm delight the more I shed my fears and concerns to allow myself to free fall into your loving arms. You are trustworthy! Thank you, Abba Yah.        All of us can attest to nail-biting difficulties. May we all experience intimacy with great measure with Abba and a boost in our resolve to trust in His love and goodness!      If we are honest, we know we can trust the Father with every care. The trust endeavor trips us when we do not know when and how He will show up for us. The details challenge us. It is a fight to resist wanting to know what Abba does not share with us. I decided this most recent round of circumstances that I would not bow to them and al...

Loving and Liking Your Position

  Dear Abba,       Some employees are in customer-facing roles in their jobs and they do not like working with the general public . I have had my issues with the public across several industries including ministry. Employees have valid reasons for disliking their jobs. They also have unreasonable expectations from working with the general public.       For example, customers will make requests according to their preferences for the products and services offered by the company . The workers facilitating the order may feel like the customer is taking something from them as they fulfill an order. They may feel more is required of them than what is received from their role .   An employee may feel a lack of appreciation depending on the interaction between the customers . The transaction can be taken personally by the employee . The truth is, the worker is doing a job they are paid to do . They are accomplishing their w...

The Best and the Worst of Times

  Dear Abba,      It is apparent to most of us that the best and worst are happening simultaneously. This is a new norm around the world. We have mixtures of war, peace, grief, joy, fair and stormy weather, and disasters of various sorts. However, our hope and trust is in You. We know you are good and   "You crown the year with your goodness."  (Psalm 65:11) The Best and the Worst of Times: What is the position of every believer?       Many of us like the statement, "God controls everything." There is no denying Abba Yah's sovereignty. We respect it. There is truth to us having control and Abba Yah gaining access in the circumstances. When Yahshuah would teach the disciples to pray, significant words from the prayer confirm my point.  "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  (Matt 6:10)  In other words, our prayers of faith aligning with the will of Abba Yah "invite" Him into our situation. We ha...


  Dear ABBA,      As Your Church, we cannot passively accept cultural and societal norms no matter what group or authority will initiate an ideology.  It was almost a year ago when You said,  "A Shaking and Shaping."   We thought COVID shook us enough , however , You are off to the next as of last year.  Disruption      Who is excited for the remainder of 5785/2025? A shaking of systems and age-old traditions is on the horizon. These changes will shape society at large to see, think, and behave in alignment with the disruption of norms. As with any disruption, those refusing to align are left behind! We cannot make anyone change, even when it means improvement for themselves. However, consequences may become a motivation for them to acquiesce.       Yahshuah gave us an example of what consequences look like in the lives of the unwilling. (See John 2:13-17 ) Yahshuah approached the temple and was immediately ang...


  DEAR ABBA,                 Thank you, Father! Through hard times and hairy experiences, I am thankful. Here is a lesson I would learn about emotions. There is nothing wrong with feelings and processing emotions. They deserve whatever limited or vast amount of attention necessary to maintain honesty, self-control, and compassion for us and others. Relationships thrive when we allow healthy communication of emotions.                 For instance, someone shared a hurtful childhood experience with me.   I responded with logic. What I missed was apologizing for their experience. An apology is a healing balm whether we are the cause of a situation or not. Let’s not rush to explain the why or reason. Instead, make room for the pain of others. Hold their hand through the healing journey. #empathy #compassion (Matthew 9:36-37, bibl...

Shaking and Shaping

  DEAR ABBA,       I am holding space for parents who had to bury their children, parents caring for ill or special needs children, and parents whose children (juvenile & adult) are incarcerated. There is no sadness, grief, or despair impossible for the power of Adonai to heal. We don't have the right words to console the hurting hearts of parents. However, we know that prayer and intercession can go where we cannot. Kind Father, let your love shower these parents and their living children. We know your righteousness and justice will prevail in each situation. We release rivers of healing, deliverance, and salvation. In Yahshuah's name, Amen.     Some things can happen to alter the trajectory of our lives. The Ruach Ha'kodesh said to me,   "Shaking and Shaping."   We hear the Prophets of The Most High Yah speak about exposure, and changing of the guards, the remnants arising, and the unseating of leaders either by de...

The Blood changed my story

  DEAR ABBA,     I'm reflecting on my seven-year experiences.  In the past, I would go from the "wilderness" to the "promised land" with little to no analysis of my experiences. The proper way is to ask what is the lesson in the "wilderness." Thank you, Dr. Apostle Elaine Johnson for teaching me this over a decade ago, and Happy Int'l Women's History Month.      Abba Yah will take us into transition and we do not know why or for how long. Which brings on frustration and confusion. Unlike in the past, I asked. Whew! What a process and journey it was for me. Only believe was a term I learned and used often as my belief system became firm.       The Lord showed me the way to receive and activate greater depths of deliverance for my life. Some people who knew me through the years should realize I am not who I was because of growth.  The "wilderness" is the only way  to one's "promised land." I will save the many details of m...